
What is mould?

Mould is a fungus that breaks down dead material. It grows in our homes if we provide the ideal conditions for it to grow – It will continue to develop until it Is cleaned and removed. Mould is particularly unpopular because if you don’t clean all of it, it will always spread back in a very short amount of time.

How does mould develop?

Generally, mould is caused by excess moisture and humidity in a property. It is often more common in the winter when the inside temperature of a house is considerably higher than outside, and any moisture inside the property clings to the walls as a result.

What are the implications of mould damage?

Most importantly, damp and mould can pose a health risk - particularly for people with existing respiratory problems or allergies. Mould can cause infections and exacerbate asthma or allergies. It also produces irritants and in some cases toxins which can be dangerous to humans. Damp and mould could cause long-standing damage to a property, so it's important to take any instances of it seriously and deal with it immediately. What's more, evidence of mould could uncover a more serious structural problem with the property or something fundamentally wrong with the plumbing or drainage system.

Instances in which the landlord is directly responsible for dealing with mould

• Water leaking from a faulty roof

• Cracks in the walls

• Poor insulation

• Plumbing issues

• Rising damp

Instances in which the tenant is directly responsible for dealing with mould

• Mould that has arisen as a direct result of lifestyle actions by the tenant, such as poor ventilation, inefficient heat distribution and ineffective furniture placement (lack of adequate space between furniture and walls).

What actions can be taken to prevent mould?

• Cover pans when cooking

• Use extractor fans in kitchens and bathrooms

• Close internal doors when cooking or showering

• Leave a gap between furniture and external walls

• Dry clothes outdoors or use a vented tumble dryer

• Open bedroom windows for 5-10 minutes when you first wake up

Please see the following link for more information on how best to tackle mould -

What can I do to tackle mould if it arises?

Notify your landlord and property manager of the situation – always keep your landlord and property managers in the loop if mould arises. It is important to establish and maintain a level of communication with these parties so that the best remedial solution can be sought. If you’ve already got mould, you’ll want to remove it – and fast! There are several quality cleaning products specifically designed to tackle mould and kill it which should slow down or stop it coming back completely for example HG Mould Spray. When cleaning mould, you must make sure that you wear protective clothing and gloves, as well as disposing of any items - cleaning or otherwise - which come into contact with the infected area. When removing mould, it’s important to make sure it is completely eradicated - otherwise it will return and the problem will continue to be prevalent. If the area treated is particularly prone to damp, your landlord might want to invest in anti-mould paint, to help stop the mould returning.